Il 10% delle idee delle startup italiane è riconducibile all’ambito Fintech e alle banche converrebbe prendere appunti dall’industria farmaceutica. Sono due degli spunti emersi durante il FinTechStage, evento milanese dedicato all’evoluzione del binomio finanza e tecnologia. Ecco i dieci tweet con le altrettante interessanti osservazioni emerse durante la due giorni (qui il nostro report).
#ChristopheChazot Banks should develop a specific process for managing startups cause they bring very peculiar things #FintechStageMilan
— Talent Garden (@talentgardenen) March 31, 2015
Amazing startups on stage at #FintechStageMilan are showing how #Fintech is all about building platforms not products — Edoardo G. Raimondi (@edorai) March 31, 2015
“Paying with cash is like using a FAX machine” good quote from #FintechStageMilan @FinTechStage
— Talent Garden (@talentgardenen) March 31, 2015
.@getmoneyfarm is the proof that technology is not only for #Millennals: average customer’s age is 40. #FintechStageMilan — Alessio Bonetti (@b0n3tt1) March 31, 2015
Investment management disruptors #FintechStageMilan @galvi
— MoneyFarm (@getMoneyFarm) March 31, 2015
“There is no Fin without Tech!” Matteo Stefanel #FintechStageMilan — CheBanca! (@chebanca) March 31, 2015
Banks should copy Pharmaceutical Industry: be aware of the complexity they have inside and move R&D outside. In #FIntech #FintechStageMilan
— Alessio Bonetti (@b0n3tt1) March 31, 2015
Ue banks are trying to understand how beat the competition of Google-Apple in payments&lendings #FintechStageMilan — Andrea Deugeni (@andreadeugeni) March 31, 2015
And to break monotony: two women on stage – thank you @LedaGlytis and @ccalmeja #FinTechStageMilan
— FinTechStage (@FinTechStage) March 31, 2015
10% of #startup ideas in #Italy are in #Fintech @paologesess #fintechstage — Paul Morgenthaler (@morningdollar) March 31, 2015