Creating a fund for innovation with the money from property confiscated from the mafia: this is the proposal that Salvo Mizzi made during the inauguration of the new accelerator in Catania
working capital @en
The last time we spoke together was 11 December 2013: he had just sold his technology and team to Amazon, while his startup was bought by DoubleBeam. It was quite a success for the 33-year-old Italian, Vincenzo Di Nicola, from GoPago. Today, he was a guest at the Make in Italy event by Working Capital… Read more »
Dal 27 marzo sarà possibile mandare la propria candidatura al bando Call for Ideas di Working Capital. Verranno supportate 40 startup, attivo anche il Corporate Venture Capital Program con 4.5 milioni di euro
Orange Fiber vola negli Stati Uniti con la missione USACamp di ItaliaCamp. Enrica Arena, co-founder della startup, racconta la sua bellissima esperienza
A noi piace farci i fatti altrui, ma anche a voi ed è per questo che nasce Selfies, la rubrica quotidiana per impicciarsi delle vite semi-private dei capoccia del mondo startup
After the summer break, the 15 accelerated startups at the various centres set up by Telecom Italia are now getting back into gear. Well tell you how its going
The event held on campus by Working Capital between 30 August and 4 September will involve international guests and workshops based on success stories